Braces for Kids and Teens
When Should My Child See an Orthodontist for Braces?
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children have their first orthodontic exam and consultation by age 7. At this time, some permanent teeth have erupted, allowing orthodontists like Dr. Chan to assess the alignment of the teeth and jaw growth. Our goal is to identify problems early when they are easier to treat and potentially prevent more serious issues from developing later on. To put your mind at ease, we offer a free consultation to determine if early orthodontic treatment with braces is needed. More than half the time, Dr. Chan will find that there is no reason to treat your child before all their permanent teeth come in around ages 10 to 14.

What Happens At An Orthodontic Consultation for Braces?
At your first visit, Dr. Chan will assess your child’s dental, facial, and jaw development. He will look at the position and development of permanent teeth that have erupted or are about to erupt. We will provide guidance on the need for metal braces or Invisalign and recommend the appropriate timing for intervention if necessary. As a parent, you’ll have ample opportunity to ask questions and gain a better understanding of your child’s dental health.
Two Phase Orthodontic Treatment
Two phase orthodontic treatment is beneficial for certain types of orthodontic issues where early intervention can lead to more effective and stable results. It allows orthodontists to address problems during the most opportune stages of dental development, potentially reducing the complexity and duration of treatment needed later in life. Not all children require two-phase treatment, and the necessity and timing of such treatment will be determined by Dr. Chan.

Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment (Early Treatment)
This initial phase usually starts when the child still has a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth, typically between the ages of 7 to 10 years old. The goals of Phase One treatment can vary but commonly include correcting jaw growth discrepancies, creating more space for permanent teeth to erupt properly, guiding the eruption of permanent teeth into more favorable positions, and addressing habits like thumb sucking or tongue thrusting that can affect dental development. Phase One treatment may involve the use of orthodontic appliances such as expanders, metal braces, or space maintainers.

Phase Two or Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment
This phase begins after the child’s permanent teeth have mostly erupted, usually around the ages of 11 to 13 years old. It focuses on fine-tuning the alignment of the teeth and bite to achieve optimal functional and aesthetic results. This often involves placing braces, Invisalign, or other orthodontic appliances to move the teeth into their desired positions. Phase Two treatment aims to ensure that teeth are properly aligned for long-term dental health, a functional bite, and an attractive smile.
What’s the Next Step?
If you’re ready for excellent oral health and to confidently smile, schedule your free consultation at our office in Sarasota and speak with Dr. Victor Chan.